الثلاثاء، 14 يونيو 2011

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  • 485Mbe4001
    10-24 03:16 PM
    there is a link for questions on her CNN show at

    last month i had emailed questions to Edward Kennedy and Jack Reid as a part of yahoo talk to the power. They were not picked up. It seems that the questions should be related to the topic that is given in advance. If they decide to question some one on a toic specifically on immigration reform, then your questions might move forward.

    Maybe if we get in touch with her we can convince her to initiate such a discussion.

    Thank you for the effort and initiative. After seeing your post, i have been trying to find contact of Judy Woodruff and havnt had much luck yet.If I get her contact I can call/write regarding IV.

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  • mjdup
    01-11 02:35 PM
    I feel your case will be OK, they are just doing the PIMS verification. I got my H1B validated in Munich last year. (read my experience on murthy site). So be patient and you'll get it successfully.

    good luck,

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  • eilsoe
    10-17 07:36 AM
    I use Jasc Animation shop 3 to make my gifs.. just make the jpg's in photoshop, and then import to Animation Shop 3...

    It even has loads of transition effects! :)

    It comes with Paint Shop Pro 7...

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  • byeusa
    07-11 01:02 AM
    As per USINPAC, you need to say thank you to them as they claim to have started and run this campaign. Fraudstrers...!



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  • hur11
    01-22 08:48 PM
    Thanks you very much. Anyways it going to take atleast a year for these to go get over if at all. And if by any chance if its made current when both are done, wishful thinking but being optimistic is better than nothing.

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  • sandy_anand
    10-04 10:17 AM
    Here is a file for Chinese EB3 visa usage and WW EB3 visa usage from the same source. Again, same disclosure as my previous post :-). Thanks.


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  • vagish
    04-20 11:08 AM
    Guys, we keep seeing lots of messages of introduction of several bills in house/senate, but do we know what is their voting schedule in the congress, if they have any..

    Thanks for help

    expect the CIR , all other are waste bills, they will never be voted, only hope is CIR.


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  • sandy_anand
    10-04 10:01 AM
    Not sure if it has been posted before but I came across this on Ron Gotcher's site. Someone posted it from a Chinese EB3 website. Scroll to page 46 and you can see the waiting list details for EB3-India. Disclosure - I make no claims to its accuracy so don't flame me :-)



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  • ca_immigrant
    08-05 02:10 PM
    Thanks for your hard work, hope more and more people come here to sharing their valuable business experience. Let improve business skills together. Thanks your suggestion. Just for my need. I've been listening to this album a bunch recently. Really great. I'll assume this is directed to me since it's right under my post. stainless steel pipe (http://www.steelpipes-china.com/)

    what is with the pipe dude ? looks like a spammer....

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  • eb3retro
    04-09 01:01 PM
    Yes I have been in US since 1991. Here is my story.

    1991 1996 - Did Bachelors in US.

    1996 -1998 - Masters

    1999 - 2009 - On H1. Have been with same firm for over 10 yrs though I have had several promotions. Always kept H1 though spouse started working on EAD in Jan 2009.

    Its been some wait. There have been time I felt so frustrated with this process I literally cried or felt like punching someone.

    I wont really believe till I have card in my hand. Difficult to trust USCIS.

    congrats dude. ur pd should be 1991 instead of 2001. You really deserve it. have fun.


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  • johnamit
    08-13 09:58 AM
    advantage I will have is I am guaranteed to stay till my 9th year H1 expires which still has 2+ yrs left, and at the same time take second job on EAD and travel on AP. If I choose to switch to EAD then if the 485 decision is against then I would have no option of staying here.

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  • sudiptasarkar
    09-14 02:51 PM
    I am trying to apply my AP (I-131) renewal. My current AP will expire on Oct 17 2009.
    I had few questions about the form. Can someone please answer my queries?

    Part 1
    Q#3. Class of Admission: I used my AP to enter the country on Sep 7th 2009. I am currently working on EAD. What should I enter for this field?
    Part 3
    Q1. Date of Intended Departure: I do not have any trip planned right now. What should I enter for this question.
    Q2. Expected Length of Trip: What should I enter for this question?

    On Part 7 it says that
    "On a separate sheet of paper explain how you qualify for an advance parole document, and what circumstances warrant issuance of advance parole."



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  • trojan
    05-02 06:45 PM
    You can write a balance-transfer-cheque to your own name (which you can deposit to your checkings account) of amount upto your credit limit on that credit card.
    I had 25k credit limit on my credit card, so i could balance-transfer that much. usually if you have a 3-4 years credit history, you can call up the credit card company and ask them to raise your credit limit.
    Balance transfers - 0% APR are generally good for 9 months to 1 year loan only. So you will have to repay within a year. But you can keep doing that for 2-3 years till you pay off your complete loan.

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  • smuggymba
    05-12 01:35 PM
    The civil surgeon does everything but you need to pay cash for it. If you have the documentation from your primary care physician, you could ask for a discount, which is what I did. Your insurance pays if you get it done from your PCP.

    So, it always makes sense to get it done via PCP and then take that documentation to the Civil Surgeon. If we get a discount - great; otherwise still ok.

    Does CS do the exactly same tests as PCP?

    How much time does it take to get results from CS?

    How much does CS charge?


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  • justareader
    10-08 07:33 PM
    Well for us EB-3, hope is what we have

    bloody bulletin . never moves
    I am still short of 16 days.

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  • makemygc
    07-30 05:14 PM
    Thanks for posting this. I was thinking of creating a thread for this purpose. Self filers please make sure that you file the "correct" versions of 131 and 765

    Here is a link for your reference.

    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCR D

    Interesting thing with this new form is the re-enactment of interim EAD. We yet to get any confirmation on that though.


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  • ksircar
    08-10 07:59 PM
    In absence of birth certificate you may get two affidavits on stamp paper - one from your parents and another from someone other than your parents (that is what my attorney told me).

    If you can't file by Aug 17th, then the situation is just anybody's guess. Some people are talking about retrogression of dates back to 2001. So you never know what is going to happen.

    Do whatever you need to do - you have only couple of days left.

    Best of luck.

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  • sundevil
    07-05 04:38 PM
    Good Catch Jonty, and the guy has the audacity to claim that his(is it really his, or store bought) priority date is 2004. For the sake of thousands who are not scamming the system, I sure hope this guy had sent a single check for 140 and 485 together.

    labor Substitution ....Heloooo!!!!

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  • diptam
    02-24 04:30 PM
    The rule is if company B files a Labor 365 days before your H expiration then that H could be extended. However L visa probably doesn't have a specified time limit like 6 yrs. So theoretically you could let companyB file Perm and I-140 for you and keep working in Company A till your Priority date become current and you get EAD.

    But the best practical option is to jump to Company B via H1 and let them file the Labor and you continue extending the H1 as I'm doing. Once EAD comes you could trash the H1 or even transfer that H1 to a 3rd company.

    The choice is yours !

    Thanks again guys.

    Well company A can file my GC but the issue is that the financial books of company A are not clear right now. Hence there are chances I-140 will be refused even if I file on EB1.

    Company B is willing to take me but the issue is how do I join B. The options which I see are that B files my GC under EB2 or EB3 and I continue to work with company A till then. But then in EB2/EB3 the processing will take years till I get my EAD and join company B.

    10-29 04:10 PM
    Right.. Here they go again . I heard "ENFORCEMENT ONLY" Bills from the past 2 years now . The White House has a "NO MATCH" rule which was exactly like the SAVE :D Act ( How do they come up with these names ) ? The NO MATCH rule was blocked 2 times in a row by US Judges . I wonder why do they waste time drafting these non starters. Waste of paper and Printer ink is at the most that these Bills go to .. "SAVE" the trees at least .

    They will play this game of presenting and failing bill till 2009. We have seen hundreds of them failing and will see couple more. They are not wasting time.. They are creating vote banks for next election... If any new change is going to happen, will happen after elections.

    07-13 08:50 AM

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