السبت، 21 مايو 2011

penelope cruz baby pics

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  • Don't panic
    Apr 26, 03:59 PM
    so it's plutonius with 5.
    hopefully you guys are right (although that would make me and appleguy prime suspects).

    what are the little arrows next to the quote button?

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  • shawnce
    Jul 21, 11:18 AM
    Lets hope this is a start of solid trend (I believe it is) but don't be surprised if the market share numbers are a little bumpy (up and down) as they inch their way up... Apple has relatively few products (compared to their main competition in this market) and as a result their product release cycles can contribute a lot of variability into quarterly market share numbers and depending how they line up with seasonal market aspects you can get even more variability.

    In other words (as I have said before) look for trends not point to point comparisons.

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  • mduser63
    Jul 11, 02:27 PM
    Well obviously none of us here are going to be terribly interested if it's not Mac-compatible. That said, Apple has a lot to lose, so I hope they adapt and compete well.

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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Jul 10, 08:45 PM
    I'm with you 150%. I love pages in that it just lets me create:fast. I don't like that it makes assumptions (or more, I don't like the assumtions that it makes) as to what I want to do. Your example of the dropped in graphic is dead-on. I dropped in the graphic, so probably I want the graphic. I may want to do more with the graphic, but I may not. iWeb does the same thing, and the pre-1.1 template-only-no-blank-pages thing just made it even worse.

    I'd like a tiered level Pages. Maybe an "expert mode" or something that just places things, then has better designed menus and "inspectors" to let me do what I want with it. I find the inspectors to not be well laid out or logical. Why is the text broswer in a completely different dialog than other text attributes, i.e. paragrapgh style, color, etc.? Only Apple knows. If you want to do seperate dialogs, at least give me the option to merge or tab like InDesign.

    My only two beefs with Pages is the fact that its toolset is everywhere. You've got some toolbars which only really get you to some space hogging side views and inspectors which take up tons of space just for the one or two things I need to hit. Second, it needs a built in macro language - even if its based off AppleScript (i.e. an AS menu would do then). Having AppleScript support but not accessible within the app itself makes it much harder to deal with.

    For example when I put in a graphic, I want to make it 2'' wide, shadow, move with text, wrap to the left with a black border. That's 4-5 panels I have to go through each time I add a pic. I add about 50 or so pics per doc.

    So first I'd love if they could organize the menus, toolbars, inspectors, and such a lot better. Its just so haphazard. Next the ability to script repetitive actions.


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  • �algiris
    Apr 15, 01:43 PM
    976.6 MB wtf
    Apple: Learn from Google http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/software-updates-courgette

    Apple is just stupid right? News flash for you - if they wanted to do patching instead of replacing files they would be doing it.

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  • Philberttheduck
    Jul 24, 06:25 PM
    Splendid. Too bad it doesn't come standard with laptops. erhm.. portable computers..


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  • NickZac
    Feb 1, 09:18 AM
    MacRumors' forum - Politics, Religion, Social Issues

    I was just curious, because it seems as if it is a "different" person posting. Perhaps in a day or two we'll see you posting how your little sister or mom got hold of your MacRumors account and posted all kind of weird stuff.

    It has happened before.

    Anyway, on to better things�

    There are some things I am passionate about, and some things...oh forget it.

    This is like the 'Weird Al' rendition of the Political forum.

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  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 30, 07:31 PM
    Eldiablojoe can be our token blonde in the afterlife?
    See, and you thought the goofy "newb" questions were just an act. They aren't, lol.


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  • globalist
    Nov 11, 03:39 AM
    So sincere curiosity here: I've read the reviews and it seems like this browser can't do all the Flash-related stuff a personal would normally want to do, ranging from some popular video sites like Hulu to Flash games. I'm not missing Flash on my iPhone or iPad one bit, but I'm also a little curious at this browser's success. Is it mostly people downloading something because they feel like they're getting a thing they were told they couldn't get? Or does this product actually offer something excellent?

    You're absolutely spot on here. Nothing excellent, just a short-term sense of victory over a perceived hurdle for lots of folks. I persinally have no use whatsoever for Flash on my iphone so I did not buy this app.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 07:58 AM
    Others have touched on this as well, but here's what Charlie said in one of his latest interviews (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/41824830/ns/today-entertainment/):

    Okay, this is past the point where it's funny. This man has some very serious mental issues. He's starting to out-crazy Gadhafi -- and that's not easy.

    Agreed. This guy is beyond sick. If someone doesn't intervene soon, he's going to kill himself, someone else, or both.


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  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 02:26 PM
    I agree with the few others that are concerned about this.

    Our Mac OS innocence is coming to an end. Part of this is due to the growing market share, and popularity in the Operating system. The other issue I feel that is of concern, is the new challenge this OS provides for Script kiddies, and bored coders. If you have an ego, and want to get your name out, why not do what hasn't been done before, as opposed to doing what everyone else does ?

    This is going to be a growing trend, and the amount of Mac Haters in the wild is quite high! Once code tricks and secrets start to get out, it is only a matter of time before OS X is targeted by thousands, much like XP!

    Apple has time to take this very seriously, and work to keep this system tight and secure! Hopefully this is going to be a big part of the focus on Leopard, but only developers will really know this!

    These current headlines aside

    1. Pay attention to what warning messages pop up when browsing the web.

    2. Only download and install software from sources that you trust, and if you do trust them, take an extra moment to think about why you trust them, and if you really need to install that piece of 3rd party software!

    3. Keep your firewalls on if possible

    4. Don't permanently unlock preferences, folders, or other security areas on your system using your keychain, unless you really need to do so!

    There are others, however that is a good baseline to follow for some minimal security checks and balances!

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  • Ace134blue
    Apr 24, 03:03 PM
    So would i go to jail for beating up 3 black women? Witch i probably would have done if i were there.


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  • diamornte
    Apr 12, 11:04 AM
    omfg i am never going to buy apple products again because of this, how dare they, no way, the world is going to end


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  • rockosmodurnlif
    Apr 14, 06:21 AM
    I have a feeling that whatever problems they had with the white color was solved a long time ago. I'm sure they've been ready to produce white iPhones fr several months and are waiting till the 1 year anniversary time fram to start shipping the white iPhone to boost sales seeing as the iPhone 5 was pushed back to September.
    I have a feeling that if the problems were fixed a long time ago, they'd be selling the phone a long time ago. Have you seen all these comments about people waiting to buy white iPhones? Of which i was one.


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  • jav6454
    Apr 14, 01:00 PM
    As always, jailbreakers should not update to this software... it is an obvious release to patch up PwnageTool exploit.

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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 07:47 AM
    Nothing much, but a nice update...C2D, Drives (Optical and HDD's) :D


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  • viperGTS
    May 4, 01:00 PM
    Whatever the delay is for, it better be good.
    If this iPhone does NOT have 4G, I, along with many other people,
    will be very disappointed.

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  • fresno30
    Oct 23, 08:52 AM
    Why would they make such a stupid move? I can tell you this much, they have just lost my support as a vendor! How do they expect me to to sell a $300 copy of windows to a home user just so he can use Microsoft's O/S on his Mac? Oh well I'm sure they know what they are doing or do they?!?!?


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  • arogge
    Jun 27, 04:26 PM
    Well IMO you'd feel differently if your credit card incurred an accidental and irreversible thousand dollar charge. :p

    Not really, because you can file a dispute with the credit card company for being charged an unreasonable amount due to an accident. If most items in the iTunes Store are between $1 and $5, and you happened to accidentally buy the one that was $1,000, that could be considered an unreasonable accident because there would have been no confirmation that the credit card was present at the time of purchase. Let the credit card company deal with it if the merchant won't accept the excuse.

    My iTunes is set up to prompt me when I attempt to purchase anything that costs more than Free, and that prevented me from making one or two accidental purchases due to an Apple error that failed to mark some items Free in the database, even though they were listed as Free.

    Apr 14, 03:50 PM
    Okay, I just reproduced this problem. After which I rolled my eyes and said "What's the big deal?"

    I mean really, this is BEYOND picky. No wonder us Apple users have a reputation for being douchebags.

    I hadn't even NOTICED this until now, and now that I have, I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to care. Honestly, if it's a choice between fixing this and putting more development resources into iOS 5, I much prefer the latter.


    EDIT: I wanted to add that I'd rather my app launch faster than for time to be wasted playing a silly animation. Based on how fast the app comes up, that may be what's going on here.

    Calling people "douchebags"? Seriously, get some grown up patter ... honestly to God, what is this? US TV Stereotypes Vol.1?

    It's not "beyond picky" based on two FACTS.

    1. It wasn't present or an issue in iOS 4.0 to 4.2.

    2. The stock Apple apps don't do it, so to say it's Apple making the apps launch quicker would require 0.0002 seconds of brain power to realise, "Oh wait, if they were making apps load quicker, it'd be across the ENTIRE operating system".

    Think. Think some more. Then consider typing ...

    Apr 26, 12:36 PM
    I don't know if I should laugh or cry ...

    People are freaking out because of a service that is 5.4 cents a day
    People are calling their days ruined because of a service is $1.6 a month
    People are crying foul because of a service for $20 a year

    Get real people - no company owes you anything for free. If you are cheap and won't pay, just don't sign up - but don't run around crying claiming that you deserver everything for free.

    Nov 28, 05:04 AM
    The water here in Japan IS a bit freaky :p

    Here is a link to Atlas's machine stats, it's freeking awesome to look at!!!!!

    I KNOW!!! Where's the "drool" emotiocon! Each one of his GPU monsters is making 66K ppd....and he's got FIVE OF THEM!!!

    Apr 14, 08:16 PM
    4 hours to download for the ATT iPad version? The ATT iPhone4 version only took 6 minutes on the same computer. I guess I'll wait until tomorrow.

    Apr 28, 03:02 PM
    Is there no duty to report a crime?

    Short answer: No.

    Longer answer: There is no general duty to report a crime, although in highly specific circumstances, reporting may be statutorily required. For example, a therapist is required to report child abuse, as are teachers, etc. Prosecutions under such laws for failure to report are extremely rare and almost never successful--the prosecution would have to prove the person knew the crime in question was being committed, which is very difficult to do.

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